My mood status |
in your extended network |
Profile URL: | http://www.rockabillyfever.com/560
Last Active: |
July 05 2015
Member Since: |
April 30, 2015 |
Profile Views: |
1622 |
Gender/age: |
Male -
47 years old |
Location: |
United States, |
Hometown: |
East Moz Angeles, Calipornia |
Marital Status: |
Orientation: |
Body Type: |
More to love! |
Ethnicity: |
Latino/Hispanic |
Smoke / Drink: |
No /
Yes |
Religion: |
Catholic |
Height: |
5 ft
11 in
Children: |
Proud parent |
Income: |
$30,000 to $45,000 |
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